Jun 26, 2024

MetalCore Economy: Unlocking True Utility

metalcore economy

Unlocking True Utility: MetalCore's Robust Economy and Sustainable Gameplay Loop

Our development team behind MetalCore is committed to building a sustainable gaming ecosystem that rewards players for their time, skill, and engagement. Our economy is designed with built-in utility for our MCG token and NFTs, ensuring that every player's engagement with MetalCore, their skills and in-game resources yields significant rewards. There is a lot to cover, so we’ll try our best to explain it as clearly as we can in this blog post. We plan on releasing an explainer video going through all of this soon, but for now, this is the best place to get information about MetalCore’s economy. 

First, here are the different MetalCore currencies and their uses. We will explain how each currency works and helps to feed the different economy loops in MetalCore.

Here is a flow chart explaining MetalCore’s Economy loop:

Let’s dive into the main features and core pillars of MetalCore’s economy and how they benefit our players.

Built-In Utility: The Heart of MetalCore's Economy

The MCG token and our NFTs are not just collectibles; they are integral to the gameplay loop of MetalCore. Players can use MCG to purchase Hyperium or Shards, which are essential for crafting and upgrading NFT mechs and units, purchasing account upgrades, consumables, and speeding up repairs. This integration means that holding and using MCG directly impacts your gameplay experience, providing tangible benefits and rewards.

Unlocking True UTILITY

By holding MCG, players unlock a host of benefits:

  • Leaderboard Rewards: Win more monthly leaderboard rewards, maximizing your in-game winnings.
  • Craft and Upgrade: Use MCG to craft and upgrade your NFT mechs and units, ensuring you stay competitive in the game.
  • Account Upgrades: Upgrade your account to gain access to better resources and capabilities.
  • Consumables and Repairs: Purchase consumables and speed up repairs to maintain your edge in battles.

Owning MCG tokens and NFTs not only enhances your gameplay but also entitles you to additional rewards. Premium Members, who hold significant amounts of MCG tokens or own valuable NFTs, unlock even more opportunities for exclusive rewards, enhancing their gaming experience and providing long-term engagement with the MetalCore ecosystem.

Monthly Leaderboard Rewards 

Starting in Closed Beta 3, MetalCore will launch its Monthly Leaderboard Rewards system. The Monthly Leaderboard Rewards system is a PvP leaderboard system where the top 1,000 players will win a percentage of the monthly MCG reward pool. The higher you rank in the leaderboards, the larger your proportion of rewards.

To ensure a fun and fair gameplay experience for players, the PvP leaderboard will be based on Matchmaking Rating, or MMR, a value that determines the skill level of each player so that players of similar levels are matched up with each other so the gameplay experience feels balanced.

MCG Spent In-Game Cycles Back to the Community Rewards Pool

MCG truly powers MetalCore’s gameplay loop and community engagement. Any MCG tokens spent on getting Shards to buy crafting components, buy gear and weapons, and upgrading your account will cycle back into the community MCG reward pool that contributes to the Leaderboard Rewards system and other community events and initiatives. 

The Pillars of MetalCore's Economy

We have 3 core pillars that are fundamental to MetalCore’s economy:

  1. Free to Play & Play to Win Rewards
  2. Premium Membership
  3. The Barony Program

Free to Play & Play to Win Rewards

MetalCore offers a balanced approach where players can engage for free and still win rewards through time, skill, and experience. By participating in the game, players can win Credits and Shards through various activities and challenges. This model ensures that everyone has the opportunity to progress and succeed based on their efforts and achievements.

Monthly Leaderboard Rewards: MetalCore’s economy is built around a loop where players complete in-game missions, called “Contracts,” to accumulate Marks. Each week, the top-ranking players on the leaderboard receive a percentage of the reward pool for that season in MCG tokens. The distribution is proportional, ensuring that the highest performers are suitably rewarded.

Traditional Game Economy Loop: Players can also experience MetalCore through a traditional free-to-play model, where time and skill contribute to progression:

  • Purchasing Shards: Players use fiat currency to purchase Shards.
  • Credits and Crafting: Shards can be converted into Credits to buy crafting components, repair units, and acquire rare items.
  • Progression: Shards facilitate Barony and account upgrades, PvP session entries, and more.

Skill & Experience Yield Rewards: Even without engaging with web3 elements, dedicated and skilled players can accumulate Marks to rank on leaderboards, winning MCG tokens as rewards in the monthly leaderboard rewards system. Players simply need to link their wallets to receive payouts from monthly rewards, making the process seamless and inclusive.

  • Winning tournaments unlocks Rare Components for players that they can use to craft rarer units, gear, and weapons (otherwise could have been purchasable with Shards).

How Free Players can Win Leaderboard Rewards 

By playing and completing missions and winning PvP matches, and finding Loot containers, players win Daily Rewards in the form of Shards. Shards can be gained in small amounts through gameplay.

With daily rewards of Shards players can upgrade and craft rare gear and Units. And then, using Hyperium, convert these Units into NFTs.

Premium Membership

Rewards for Holding and Owning MCG Tokens and NFTs

Introducing Premium Membership
: With Closed Beta 3, MetalCore offers Premium Membership tiers that unlock enhanced rewards and opportunities. Premium Members benefit directly from their in-game engagement, reinforcing the utility of the MCG token.

Our Premium Membership program is designed to reward those who engage with and support MetalCore by holding MCG tokens and owning NFTs. The more you hold and own, the better the rewards you can unlock. 

Premium Members enjoy:

  • Exclusive Content: Access to unique skins, weapons, and items that are not available to non-members.
  • Enhanced Rewards: Higher payouts and more significant rewards for in-game achievements and leaderboard rankings.
  • Early Access: Priority access to new game updates and content, keeping you ahead of the curve.
  • Daily Shard Bonus: Premium Members get a Daily Shard bonus (i.e boost) for being a member. This is an individual bonus. 
  • Dedicated Premium Reward Pools: Every week unlock more opportunities for even better rewards in the Monthly Leaderboard Rewards System.

Playing with NFTs

Premium Members using their NFT Units gain access to:

  • Premium NFT Marks: Special rewards for playing with NFTs.
  • Solo Leaderboards: Enhanced leaderboards offering dedicated reward pools for top-ranking Premium Members.

Holding NFTs:

Premium Members can mint and craft NFTs, upgrade units, and lend their NFTs to Baronies through NFT Soft Staking, promoting community engagement and cooperative gameplay. 

  • These NFT Units can be leveled up / upgraded and improved via purchasing and crafting upgrades, speed up rewards, and purchasing consumables. 

Holding MCG:

Members holding a minimum amount of MCG monthly are eligible for additional rewards through MCG Soft Staking, encouraging long-term engagement in the game.

  • We encourage players to hold MCG and use it to purchase Hyperium or Shards. Hyperium are used to craft NFTs and convert in-game Units into NFTs. Shards are used to upgrade and level up their loadouts, purchase crafting components to further improve their NFTs in their inventory, or used to purchase Account Upgrades consumables, and speed up repairs. → Each of these things will give players a competitive edge and allow for easier gameplay against the competition.

Becoming a Premium Member:

Players can qualify as Premium Members by holding MCG tokens or owning MetalCore NFTs:

  • Holding MCG: Different tiers based on the amount of MCG held.
  • Owning NFTs: Different tiers based on NFT rarity, from Common to Legendary.

The Barony Program & Premium Baronies

Advancing in MetalCore by Forming or Joining a Barony

The Barony Program is a cornerstone of MetalCore's economy and player engagement. It offers a structured way for players to collaborate and compete, providing Barony Wars to engage competitive players. This program helps onboard players of different profiles into the game, fostering a vibrant and active community.

Creating and Joining Baronies: Players can create or join a Barony (guild) to engage in cooperative gameplay and gain collective rewards. The Barony Program is central to MetalCore’s economy, fostering teamwork and strategic planning.

Perks & Benefits of Joining a Barony

  • Gameplay and Social Perks to playing with a guild that shares in the same goals and resources.
  • Strength in numbers. Playing in a Barony with your fellow teammates versus playing solo in MetalCore gives you a gameplay advantage since your teammates can help you on the battlefield. 
  • Being part of a Barony gives you access to the perks and benefits of that given Barony, whether they are a Premium Barony or not.

Boosting Baronies with Shards: Players can use Shards to purchase Nitro Boosts, elevating their Barony to a Premium level. Premium Baronies enjoy enhanced rewards and participate in exclusive events. There are 5 tier levels for baronies. Their eligibility and perks will be explained in a future blog post - stay tuned for that! 

Premium Baronies: Baronies have their own levels, independent of individual player levels. To become a Premium Barony, a Baron must own a Nobility NFT or pay a monthly Shard fee to maintain Barony level. Premium Baronies are those at the highest levels within the Barony Program. They receive the best rewards and unlock exclusive content and items. This creates a compelling incentive for players to strive for excellence and work together to achieve higher tier status.

Premium Baronies gain access to:

  • Barony Wars: Competitive events where the top Baronies compete against each other.  These tournaments would be around Legendary NFT drops where the top 3 Baronies would win the prizes (skills & performance-based).
  • Leaderboards: Exclusive Barony leaderboards with substantial rewards.
  • Exclusive Content: Unique items and content accessible only to Premium Baronies.

NFT Rentals, NFT Soft Staking (Coming soon)

  • Limited to Barons and Lords only (see role descriptions below)
  • Must be a Premium Member to have access to this feature for your barony members to have access to your NFT rentals.
  • Baronies can have a NFT Rental Pool where Barons and Lords can lend their Barony their NFTs.
  • Barons and Lords get 50% (subject to change) of the Premium Marks Points won by Knights and Initiates who rent their NFTs in the Monthly Leaderboard Rewards system for completing NFT challenges

Roles within a Barony

  • Baron: Leader of the barony, responsible for overall strategy and decision-making.
  • Minister: Second-in-command, assisting the Baron in managing the barony.
  • Patron: Contribute NFTs into the shared NFT garage. Lend their vast collection of NFTs to baronies and get rewarded for it. Win more rewards and gain a competitive edge by allowing Knights and Initiates to play with more powerful NFT units, enhancing their chances to win more leaderboard rewards.
  • Knight: Core fighters and contributors, eligible for Monthly Leaderboard Rewards for their barony. Gain competitive points from winning competitive matches against other baronies. They are going to be competing in tournaments in PvP leaderboards.
  • Initiate: Just players that play in your baronies. If Baron or Lord puts NFTs in their garage, Initiates can use them and split their revenue with the Baron or Lords. They do not own NFTs, can only rent NFTs and participate in barony activities.
  • Herald: The mouthpiece of the barony - they create and share content on socials and help onboard new members by answering questions and being ambassadors of their baronies.

How to Create Your Barony? 

More detailed information will be shared soon about the Barony Program and eligibility for the different tiers. 

The enhanced Barony System in Closed Beta 3 takes social play and creating your own Barony (i.e. guild) to the next level, and we’re excited to be rewarding our most active and engaged Baronies with premium exclusive content to further deepen their engagement and immersion within the MetalCore universe. And we’re stoked to see Baronies compete against other Baronies in Barony Wars to see who ranks supreme on Kerberos with PvP Barony Leaderboards! Our team plans to continue to develop the tools and features to customize barony experiences so that Barons and their members can enjoy a deeper and more immersive experience to drive more engagement within the MetalCore universe.


At MetalCore, we're building an economy that not only sustains itself but also rewards our players for their dedication and engagement. Whether you're a free-to-play gamer looking to win through skill and experience, a Premium Member seeking exclusive rewards, or a Barony looking to grow and build the most powerful Barony on Kerberos, our ecosystem is designed to provide true utility and engagement. 

Join us in MetalCore and become a part of a dynamic and rewarding gaming experience where your time, skill, and engagement with the ecosystem truly matters. Embrace the future of gaming with MetalCore's robust economy and unlock the full potential of your gameplay.